No libraries. No frameworks.
Do you want to understand javascript better?
Are you sick of confusing tutorials/courses that skip over things because they've forgotten how it feels like to be a complete beginner?
Every time you have to build anything from scratch with Javascript, do you cry a little inside staring at a blank file?
Are you in tutorial hell working through monolithic buffet courses with absurd titles like "Build 43 things with html, css, js, jquery, react, nodejs, ssr, csr, databases etc"?
Have you hit the inevitable fatigue that comes from doing too many things?
Well, worry not, my friend. You're at the right place.
I started learning javascript around 2012.
Started with w3schools. The OG classic.
Then did some codecadmy tracks. Which I continued to revisit and redo multiple times throughout the years.
I must've done that Javascript track alone — at least a dozen times but, I digress.
After finishing the first ever Codeacademy Javascript track along with the html&css tracks, it really gave me a sense of accomplishment, progress, and felt like I learned a lot.
Key words here: "felt like"
See, the verbose instructions handholding through exercises on many different concepts in silos along with colorful gamification really hit all the dopamine centers in my brain.
But at the end of it, I couldn't build a single thing if my life depended on it... not even a damn todolist app.
So, as most natural sane people would, I quit and tried some other things (story for another time).
About a year or so later, I came across a company called Teamtreehouse which peaked my interest in learning to code again.
The site was beautifully designed with slick little animations.
The hollywood level ultra HD video tutorials with crisp visuals of the code along with instructors who spoke perfect english without stumbling on a single word left a very, very good impression on my fresh-off-the-boat immigrant brain.
Oh.. and the gamification this time was on steroids. Absolutely took a massive dump on codecademy's UI at the time.
I thought this was it. I felt like I was REALLY learning this time. Made a good dent on a lot of the lessons.
But.. history rhymes yet again.
After about 2.5 months, I quit Teamtreehouse. Even though I was learning a lot of concepts, nothing was connected. It was all in silos in my head and again, couldn't build a thing.
I would go on to repeat this awful cycle at least a dozen times the next few years...
start a new language, learn a few months, quit, repeat...
start a new framework, try for a few months, quit, repeat...
start a new *amazing* resource, quit again after a few months, repeat...
until 2015.
The year I hit rock bottom.
I decided to give it one last crack.
And although I did end up sleeping in my car for about 8 months, this time — I didn't quit.
I *actually* made it through.
I finally was able to build things from scratch.
Became good enough at Javascript and dev in general to be able to solve most basic to intermediate algos, learn new tools/concepts a lot easier, and finally was able to build things from scratch instead of just relying on pre-built templates/tutorials.
I started freelancing and started making some cash.
Landed my very first developer job. A dream at the time.
Then I quit it pretty fast. (story for another time)
More freelancing.
Started tutoring code privately 1-1 in person... then virtually.
Then created a youtube channel and started teaching code to thousands of people.
And here we are... You're now reading this.
You maybe wondering... what was different about it this time? How was I able to follow through? What clicked?
Honestly, it's probably a mixture of a lot of things.
Maybe I got lucky this time...
or I had to go through the many attempts before succeeding or getting lucky...
or I got sick of quitting on myself and went berserk
or the "failed attempts" before compounded and developed a new baseline knowledge of general understanding that tipped the scale and made it easier to follow through..
But gun to my head, if I had to boil it down to one thing. It would be...
And focus I did.. on one thing — Javascript.
Javascript > Front End Dev.
Not another language, tool, framework, library or another venture altogether.
And when I wanted to learn backend, again, what's closest to javascript? NodeJS.
Not python with flask or django, java, ruby with rails, or wasting time learning unnecessary garbage.
See, focus is an effort multiplier.
You can't magically study/work more hours. We all have the same 24 hours. And after sleep, food and basic necessities, we're left with about 12-14 hours with perfect execution.
And if you have a full-time job in an unrelated-field (gotta pay the bills), there goes another 8-10 hours with commute. (hopefully you're working remotely)
Now, if you have kids or other big responsibilities, you've got very little time.
And you have limited willpower and energy.
And if your limited resources even further spread out across BS, you'll get nowhere.
But if you focus on the right things, even with little resources, you chip away at it slowly, make meaningful progress and have compound growth later.
Common sense, I know.
But common sense is not common practice.
And this is what led me to create JabJabJavascript.
See, the biggest problem most people face in the beginning is that their focus is diluted across too many things.
They think they need to learn all these technologies and the latest cool javascript framework that's trending on social media.
Jquery, React, Underscore, D3, Lodash, Three, vue, svelte, Angular, backbone, next, meteor, gatsby...
See the problem?
Too many choices leads to analysis paralysis, decision fatigue and inaction.
Worse yet. You try one thing, then to the next, and to the next which ultimately leads to burnout. You only have so much willpower, energy, resilience...
See, people think it's about lacking motivation, discipline, or the "x" factor to make it through. I used to feel the same.
But you don't lack motivation or discipline.
You lack clarity and focus. And without that, you don't work on the things that matter.
Without that, you don't make meaningful progress.
And people quit when they don't see progress.
It doesn't mean you're quitter.
It means you're smart enough to know that it's sunk cost, and it's time to pivot.
So the big question is... where do you put your focus?
A question... What is the common denominator among all these?
Jquery, React, Underscore, D3, Lodash, Three, vue, svelte, Angular, backbone, next, meteor, gatsby...
That's right — it's Javascript behind the scenes.
So, if you focus on learning and understanding plain/vanilla Javascript deeply, you can pick up any JS library or framework with relative ease.
And libraries and frameworks change all the time. What's popular or trendy changes. As you're reading this, I bet you someone out there is creating the next big Javascript framework.
But the underlying language behind the frameworks, does not change except maybe for the syntactic sugar. The core principles and concepts are timeless.
And we can go further on this and argue that learning core CS principles is even a better use of time and energy but again, that's for another time.
And if you're in doubt, ask any veteran developer and they'll agree.
Okay, enough talk about the why. Wanna see what's inside the course?
JabJabJavascript is one of theee best vanilla Javascript course on the planet. This course is the perfect intersection between theory and practicality.
You’ll get these lessons in a 15-20+ module, online video course that covers the process of going from a javascript-newbie to a rockstar, and sets you on a clear path to becoming a ninja.
You’ll learn through the exact roadmap and curriculum that I have developed after the experience of teaching hundreds of students and dozens of boot campers 1-1 at HackReactor, FullStack Academy, App Academy etc.
You’ll learn by building real-world components and projects. You’ll learn the what, how, and why of every custom component and project we will be building from scratch.
JabJabJavascript includes a beautifully organized set of video coursework, carefully curated coding challenges, worksheets, ultimate time-saving cheatsheets, and lots of surprises.
Your Game Plan
mindset- Getting the maximum ROI from this course — I plan on returning you a value that's at least 10 times your investment.
- Why Javascript?
- The top 3 mistakes people make that virtually guarantees they’ll never make it as a developer
- How to build a portfolio that’s full of projects that you’re proud of — and most importantly, be able to deliberately explain the what, why and how of each project to any recruiter or interviewer.
Industry-standard Must Know Tools
toolsworksheets- Alfred | The Ultimate Productivity App to 10x Your Efficiency
- VScode | The Best Lightweight and Powerful Code Editor
- Terminal | The Quiet and Simple Interface with Unlimited Potential
- JabJab Portfolio | How to Make it Your Own
- Git | The Versio Control System
- Github | The World's Largest Hosting Service for Git Repos
- Spectacle | The SIMPLEST, Most Robust Window Management Tool
- Sip | The Best Color Picking and Management Tool
- Research
- Cheatsheets/Worksheets (Terminal, Git, Vscode Alfred)
Javascript Fundamentals
basics- Where can you write Javascript
- Primitive data types (String, Number, Boolean)
- Variables
- If/else statements
- Comparison and Logical Operators
- For Loops
- While Loops
- Functions
- Scope
- Objects
- Arrays
Algorithmic Challenges
algorithms- Write custom string methods from scratch.
- Write custom Array methods from scratch.
- Write custom Object methods from scratch.
- Solve carefully curated list of challenges from top code-challenge websites (code wars, leetcode, project euler, hacker rank)
DOM (Document Object Model)
dom- Writing Html, Css and Javascript together
- DOM && BOM
- Accessing DOM Elements
- Nodes vs Elements | Common misconceptionsc
- Event Listeners
- Changing CSS with Pure Javascript
- Add, remove, and toggle classes
More Advanced DOM and Getting Ready for Projects
dom- Null && Undefined
- Changing Javascript Attributes
- DOM Traversals Theory Deep Dive
- DOM Traversals Code Walkthrough
- Javascript Events
Building Actual Real-world Components From Scratch
components- Sidebar Menu Starter Files (overview)
- Build an Off Canvas Sidebar Menu (HTML & CSS)
- Implement the Javascript for Sidebar Menu (JS)
- Off Canvas Menu Solution Files
- Jab Modal Starter Files (overview)
- Build a Modal with Form (HTML & CSS)
- Implement the Javascript for the Modal (JS)
- Jab Modal Solution Files
Building More Projects :)
components- Overview
- Build a Dice Roll (Warming Up)
- Dice Roll Solution
- Build a Todo List App
- Todo List Solution
- Build an Accordion - The Best Tool for Faqs
- Accordion Solution
- Build the Youtube Loading Progress Bar
- Youtube Loading Bar Solution
- Build a Count Down Timer
- Count Down Timer Solution
Say Hello to Es6
ecmascript 2015- var vs let vs const
- Function Scope vs Block Scope
- Arrow Functions
- Arrow Functions and "this" Keyword
- Default Function Parameters
- Destructuring Objects
- Destructuring Arrays
- Rest vs Spread (...)
- Next Level Object Literals
- Template Strings | Strings are fun now!
Object-oriented Programming
oopcompositiondata structures- Intro to Object Oriented Programming
- Function Constructors, Prototype
- Deep Dive Prototype
- Default Constructors
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Es6 Class
- Classical Inheritance
- Prototypal Inheritance (Learning composition)
OOP Algorithmic Challenges
algorithms- Solve Oject-oriented Programming Problems
- Create Objects with the Constructor Pattern
- Inheriting Methods from Parent Class
- Instantiating with es6 Class | Creating Models
Advanced Javascript and Important Computer Science Concepts to Understand
computer scienceadvanced- Primitives and Object Wrappers
- Pass by Value and Pass by Reference
- Hoisting In ES5, Temporal Dead Zone in ES6
- Function Declarations vs Function Expressions
- Why IFFE? (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions)
- Closures - The behind-the-scenes Gangsta!
- Callbacks | The Beauty of Functional Programming
- Recursion
Object-oriented Vanilla Javascript Quiz Application
prototypedesign pattern- Project Intro and Git Setup
- Creating the Initial HTML Layout
- Beautifying the Project | Adding CSS
- How to Get the Custom Free Radio Icons
- Quick Intro to Es6 Modules
- Creating the Question Function Constructor
- Quiz Constructor, Methods and Main Logic
- Quick Intro to the Module Design Pattern
- Caching the DOM
- Creating Questions and Initializing the Quiz
- Let's Get Rendering the Components
- Binding Events Listeners and Finishing Up!
- Deploying Your App! 🚀
- Solution Source Code - Quiz App
Music Player Spotify Clone
audiodesign pattern- Starter Files | Music Player
- Project Introduction | Reviewing Starter Files
- Marking Up the HTML
- Beautifying the Music Player
- Initial Render Function
- Final Render
- Binding Events | Listeners | Play & Pause Features
- Play Next Feature
- Setting Up PlayInfo Module
- Implementing PlayInfo Trigger Button
- Track Bar Module
- Review and Final Thoughts
- Solution Source Code - Music Player
Super Dynamic Hangman App
dynamicdesign pattern- Hangman Starter Files
- Project Introduction and Starter Files Overview
- Home Module | Main Menu
- Game Module | Main Logic
- End Screen Module
- Intro to the HTML5 Canvas Api
- Board Module
- How to Play Module | Project Con
Asynchronous Javascript
async awaitfetchpromises- Asynchronous Callbacks | Callback Purgatory
- Promises
- HTTP and REST api
- Fetch API
- Fetching Open Trivia Data Project
- Fetch API Open Trivia Challenge Solution
- Movie App Project with Fetch
- Es8 Async Await | Upgrading from Promises
Multi-day Weather Forecast App
apisasswebpacknpmcurrent- The What, Why and How of NPM
- Bye CSS. Hi Sass!
- Unpacking Webpack - Understanding the indispensable tool
- Overview of the Weather App
- Building and Rendering the Search Module
- Fetching Geo-coordinates from Google Geocoding API
- Attempting to fetch Weather Data from Dark Sky API (spoiler: failed) 🤣
- A Junior Developer's Worst Enemy: CORS
(Cross Origin Resource Sharing) - Building and Rendering the Current Weather Module
- Adding the Beautiful Rainbow Loading Indicator
- Building and Rendering the Multi-day Weather Module
- Adding Additional Awesome Features to the Module
- Rendering the Units Module
- Deploying the App in less than 3 mins!
Jab Giffy | Gifs Project
apisasswebpacknpmlocalstoragecurrentBuilding a full-blown app from scratch on your own (test)
More modules are currently in the work and to be released in the following months...
Lots of good stuff 🚀
Beginner Challenges
More beginner algorithmic challenges will be added for smoother transition.
Why Frameworks?
Understand how a js framework works at the root and why companies use them.
Advanced Challenges
Harder algorithmic challenges to prepare for complex game logic and matrix systems.
Understand Backend
Understand how a server and client actually communicates by handling rest APIs.
Some modules will be re-recorded and extended with extra features and functionalities.
More component projects will be added. Popovers, Tooltip, hide on scroll, autocomplete etc
Other Technologies You'll Learn
You're not just going to be learning Javascript. Along with Javascript, you'll also learn practical html5 and css3, responsive design, industry-standard tools, webpack, advanced professional architectural workflow, css methodologies, design patterns, incredible time saving learning methods and lots more.
And although we cover a lot of things, our intention is not to "learn" 20 different technologies. Instead, we explore some technologies to further expand our knowledge of Javascript and how to integrate it with other technologies. Ultimately, Our goal is to understand how JS works at a deeper level.

And just in case you're wondering...
You Don't Need a Computer Science Degree
You can have a successful career as a Javascript/Web developer even if you don’t have a computer science degree. I actually strongly believe that Web Development isn’t something that should be learned in a 4 year institution because the web development industry, especially the Javascript world is rapidly changing every single day.
It is incredibly difficult for the giant universities to keep up with the pace.
Also, so many graduates with CS degree struggle to find jobs because they lack real-world, practical experience. More precisely, they don’t have a lot of hands-on, good projects to show.
A 45-Day "Full Immersion" | Money-Back Guarantee

If it's not your cup of tea, no worries. Just ask, get full refund.
You can take a look at my teaching style on my other tutorial videos on Youtube and the free javascript course and see if that resonates with you.
However, if you're on the fence... or if other resources out there have left you skeptical, then I want you to try the course "full immersion" with absolute confidence. If you don't LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back.
It's simple: Join and try it for yourself. If the beautifully implemented projects, carefully shot/edited video tutorials, and the simplest, unassuming teaching style don't lead you to your way to becoming a Javascript ninja, just email me and get a full refund.
- Lifetime Access to the course
- 18+ Modules
- 150+ Videos
- 10+ worksheets/guides/cheatsheets
- Build real-world practical components. Learn OOP, Modular Design Patterns, REST Api, Functional Programming, Algorithmic Challenges etc
- Build over 12 projects from scratch with pure Javascript
- Over 31 hours of high quality content
- Javascript Fundamentals for the beginners
- State Management In Vanilla JS (This makes learning frameworks a piece of cake)
- You'll indirectly learn practical Html and Css by Building many projects
- Complex Javascript Concepts taught in a way 5-year old might understand
- Es6, Es7, es8... because you gotta stay relevant in this game
- Sass, NPM, WebPack
GET ACCESS"I find so much out there in the market that keeps everything in silos. Tenzin connected a lot of the dots. "
" ...after spending countless dollars on Udemy trying to learn Javascript, I can truly say that I'm definitely getting my money's worth from this course! "
"my confidence skyrocketed...I wish the course would never end and we could do more projects together."